Saturday, February 13, 2010

Good Words For Sympathy Flowers What Do You Think About This Poem...?

What do you think about this poem...? - good words for sympathy flowers

I sat in the rubble
In a life that was unfair
I felt like my spirit fled
For a well of despair.
Then an angel named Relaxed
In a voice so soft and beautiful
She asked me my sadness
And the reason for my defeat.

"It was difficult to answer
But the voice was very nice,
And waited patiently
'Til my problems are solved.

A good understanding of wisdom
Carefully, trying to give.
With gentle words of sympathy
She started coming to my heart.

The angel of love has moved me
By wiping a tear.
And at this moment
I could hear music divine.

Raise your eyes to see,
I foresaw
Scattered clouds Melancholy
End is not a songTrace of him.

The bursting of the purest gold
He was for the hair
The twinkling of the stars
It also shows there.

Residing in the laughing eyes
It is the glimmer of a stream.
My heart melted
Then she gave a me.

I saw beautiful sunsets,
Oranges, purples and reds
Beautiful flowers in the gardens
Mountain lakes and rivers.

But now, when I saw an angel
All other me
In the beauty of his grace,
Sometimes they start to fade.

I do not know the future
But I began this prayer:
This angel with me that
'Til my life on earth is done


SparkleH... said...

Beautiful! It is actually a song, where a choir was added. Very nice. Fast paced, well-chosen words. It seems to describe as delicate as an angel. It is soft, clean, clear and unfettered by unnecessary words. Simplicity in May, is it very easy to remember and recite in a poetry reading.

Keep 'em coming! I enjoyed it.

Ruffian... said...

wow, that was fantastic. I loved it, as committed in the grabbed my attention and appropriate but at the same time and can not. it was great. I also like how he wrote it for a large Tallent keep it up. =>

Fr. Al said...

Excellent! I love your text in short stanzas with a reduction in the fifth row of the first stanza.

dada555 said...

I like it

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